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Analysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy involve you making certain commitments and arrangements and these are some notes are offered for your guidance.

•    We will work together, with you telling me your thoughts and feelings and then we will work to understand your patterns and the meaning behind the ways that you are feeling and expressing yourself. It is important to hold in mind that neither analysis nor psychotherapy are a quick fix, and it might take time to settle in the process.

•    Sessions last for 50 minutes and are held at a regular time/day, which is reserved to you.

•    Psychoanalysts and psychodynamic psychotherapists normally charge for all sessions that you miss, including absence caused by your holidays. I do, of course, not charge for sessions I might need to cancel. If you are able to tell me when you are unable to keep an appointment, it is helpful to let me know and whenever possible, appointments can be re-arranged within the same week, subject to availability. Any session that cannot be attended in person, can be carried out online.

•    Analysis and Psychotherapy include regular breaks, usually around December, Spring (March or April depending on the year), and Summer. These are part of the work I will notify you of each upcoming break in advance.

•    I review my fees annually on the 1st March. I give notice and am willing to negotiate the revised fee (if any).

•    I present my invoices at the end of each month and ask you to pay within 7 days.

•    At all times you are responsible for your medical care.

•    I am involved in maintaining my own professional standards which I do through collegial support and consultation.

•    Confidentiality: I do not keep notes on my patients, I only keep the information you gave me on your first visit and anything you may give to me.

•    I am obliged to tell the appropriate people if you might harm yourself or others or plan certain acts that require me by Law to break confidentiality

•    Ending by agreement is usual and normally requires time for discussion, should you wish to leave we would discuss this, and I would ask that you give me at least 1months notice.

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